RV Tire Blowouts: 5 Ways to Avoid Them
If you own an RV, the last thing you want is to encounter a blowout. There are many reasons why an RV may encounter a tire blowout, but there are also plenty of efficient ways to prevent it.
In this post, we will provide you with 5 tips on how to avoid RV tire blowouts. Check them out below.
1. Know the Load Range of Your Tires
The first thing you need to do to avoid RV tire blowouts is to know their load range. The loading capacity of a tire highly depends on the ply rating, load index, and load range. You should also note that the amount of weight a tire can carry is dependent on the amount of air it holds.
But, for a tire to hold more pressure and air, it needs to be strong enough. Unfortunately, the ply rating number is becoming less effective in determining the load range of tires due to the continually evolving radical construction and steel ply materials.
Therefore, this is something that you need to keep in mind.
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2. Understand the Maximum Speed Rating of Your Tires
Another thing that you need to do is to understand the maximum speed rating of your RV tires. A lot of trailer tires are not supposed to exceed certain speed limits, and learning about this will help you prevent any accidents.
Your tires may overheat if you are going too fast, and this may eventually cause a blowout. Therefore, it is recommended that you check your tires’ maximum speed rating on the safe side.
3. Monitor Your RV Tires Regularly
If you have an RV, you need to ensure that you invest as much time as possible to check on its tires regularly to prevent accidents from happening beforehand. That means monitoring your system as often as you can.
When you often monitor something, you tend to find out issues before they happen. Most RV owners have encountered tire blowouts because they neglected the work of monitoring their tires often.
Video Overview: Breakdown Of The RV Tire Blowout Video ~ How It Happened And How To Handle Blowouts
4. Protect Your RV Tires
When you have an RV, it is crucial to consider protecting its tires as much as possible. Some of the ways to ensure that you protect your RV’s tires is to keep them from staying on the sun too long or standing on the water for a long period.
You can use a waterproof or tire protected by UV cover. When you have these on your RV, you are assured of maximum protection.
5. Have a Set of Spares
When you have an RV, it is essential to have a set of spares to help you if an accident occurs, and your tires get blown out. Even if you’ve followed all the rules to help prevent your RV’S tire blowouts, anything can happen, and having a set of spares will significantly help you fix any issue that you encounter.
When it comes to protecting your RV tires, you have to follow all the right tips and ensure everything is set correctly. Therefore, you can implement any of our tips and conduct more research to protect your tires.
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