Cleaning black water tank sensor in RV (3 great ways)
The sensor in the black water tank of the RV is typically located next to many fluids of different densities. This means that for one reason or the other, it will always be dirty. If you don’t clean it regularly, don’t be surprised when it stops working.
When it has stopped working, you will realize that it will have a constant reading even or not reading any level at all. One of the first things that you should be thinking about when it fails is the cleaning. Here are the three significant ways which have been confirmed to be effective in cleaning it:
1. Use the ready-made sensor cleaners
This is the first and effective way that you can use to clean the black water tank sensor in RV is the use of ready-made sensor cleaners. You don’t need to try any other detergent if you are not sure of the results.
You could end up damaging it further. Empty the tank, the place the right amount of the sensor cleaner in the tank. Remember to shake it well before use. Keep the cleaner inside for about 10 to 15 hours as you shake the container.
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You can repeat the process several times. If it has taken much time before you clean it, the debris may be a bit resistant.
You have to repeat until you get the preferred result. If the sensor fails even after several cleaning attempts, it could mean that it is faulty and so you need to replace it.
Video Overview: How to Clean Your RVs Holding Tank Sensors | Pete’s RV Service Tips (CC)
2. GEO method
This is more of a traditional way of cleaning the black water tank sensor. Traditionally, it involved the use of chlorine to clean the sensor. However, it is reported that the concentration of chlorine was not favorable to the valves.
Some would rust. To make the method effective today, chlorine is replaced with a mixture of Calgon water softener and dawn dishwasher to displace the corrosive effect of chlorine.
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Just like the other methods, you start by emptying the black water tank. You then need to add two cups of the mixture of the detergents in the ratio of 1:1. Allow the mixture to settle in the tank so that it can start working.
You can add some ice cubes if you wish you give you a spackling cleaning finish. You can tow the trailer shortly to enhance a vigorous cleaning. Leave the mixture for at least ten hours then you can drain it.
Video Overview: Preventing Black Water Tank Sensor Problems
3. Using the ordinary dishwasher detergents
Well, those who are used to the ready-made sensor cleaner would tell you that did not work well for them. Probably they have not tried. However, it has worked for me. This can be used to clean both the black and the grey water tank sensor.
Drain the tank and switch off the valve directing wastes to the tank. Fill the tank above the sensor point and add a half cup of the detergent through the toilet. Flush the toilet several times to rinse it.
Repeat the process and keep the last round undrained to allow the cleaning to go ahead. Tow can take the trailer round to facilitate vigorous cleaning.
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