Six Incredible Ways to Keep Mice Out Of Camper
It’s a very nasty and detrimental experience to have our beloved camper infested by mice. Mice are very destructive as they can mess your camper with droppings spread all over. They also damage some of your items such as clothing and other things stored in your camper. Besides, they may chew electric wires causing significant repair problems. You should always keep mice out of a camper.
Here are six ways to keep mice out of a camper.
1. Block all entry points
Mice usually seek for quick entries to your camper. Blocking out these entry points blocks them out of your camper. They may squeeze through tiny holes and most campers are ignorant of it. It’s wise to inspect and scout underneath your furniture to make sure that you don’t leave small holes.
2. Maintain a high level of hygiene
Mice will usually grow and prosper in dirty areas. They like having many hiding places, and food spread all over. To keep them away, you have to maintain a high level of hygiene in your camper and ensure there is no food lying around to create a boring environment for them. You also have to clean dishes after taking meals to make sure that the environment is not conducive for them. You should also take care of your clothing. Heaps of clothes makes an ideal breeding place for mice. Keeping all liter and dirty laundry hidden away or inside a bag will minimize the risk of having mice around.
Video Overview: How To Keep Mice And Pest Out Of Your RV.
3. Mousetraps
Mouse traps are usually brutal, and most people love the environment and nature and therefore hate this option. Mice are persistent and persuasive making a mousetrap a better choice. They force themselves into every situation, and thus you can trap them before they breed. You should go for a trap that doesn’t hurt them for you to flee them later on. Remember that nature is the primary concern and it’ recommendable that you camp without causing any damage to the natural habitat.
4. Professional detergent
Despite that a professional option is a bit more expensive, it’s a perfect way to prevent your camper from mice infestation. Among the major products used by many companies are MouseFree and FreshCab. These products not only keep mice away but other rodents as well. The products are generally in the form of pounces and sprays. They can be sprayed or placed all over the RV to make sure that you keep mice out of a camper. The products leave a smell that is sweet and bearable to human but a horrible stench that mice can’t withstand.5. Home remedies
There are many home remedies that most people claim to be effective. Despite that we like going for the best options that are specially designed for the purpose, home remedies are a great option if you find yourself struggling with a fixed budget. Public softener is among the excellent home remedies. Despite that it’s ideal for washing, it also helps to keep them away from your food items. Peppermint oil and mothball are also ideal options. These have a strong smell that repels and keep mice out of a camper. Some remedies such as peppermint will leave your RV scented and sweet smelling.

6. Provide a less fascinating look
Remove food from any point that you feel that mice may easily access. Seal all pet food by the use of plastic containers. Remove all things that mice can eat such as clothing, paper products, and towels. Use lighting at night as nocturnal.
You must inspect your RV regularly to get rid of mice. All the above steps will help you in ensuring that your camper is mice proof. You have to make precise arrangements to keep mice out of a camper.
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